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Visitors 65
Modified 11-Apr-24
Created 27-Oct-16
15 photos

I was fortunate to discover a wonderful project titled, "The Polaroid 20x24 Project," briefly held at Hathaway Contemporary Gallery in Atlanta. The project is the work of John Reuter, former Polaroid employee and now CEO of 20x24 Holdings LLC. John and his staff brought the project to Atlanta for a few days. Using the massive Polaroid camera, 20 x 24 inch portraits were being made from Thursday, October 27, through Saturday, October 29. John Reuter stated that based on how this project is proceeding, he expects to run out of film by approximately December 2017. After that, it is questionable whether or not anyone will continue making the film to use in this extraordinary camera. He intends to donate it somewhere where it will be properly cared for.
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and his family visited the Hathaway Gallery on October 27, and enjoyed the experience of having their portrait taken utilizing this "instant" camera. Originally constructed of wood in the late 70's, the camera weighs over 250 pounds.

For further information, check out John Reuter's video at:
The Polaroid 20 x 24 inch cameraSide view of the 20 x 24 inch Polaroid cameraOpening the back of the cameraThe camera uses rolled filmAdjusting the film rollAtlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and his family pose for their portraitLook at the camera and smile!After about 90 seconds, the film is developedJohn Reuter examines the printThe Mayor is amazed at the qualityThe Mayor checks out the resultsAnother look at this really BIG camera!