Home»The Natural World of "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge
Visitors 130
Modified 11-Apr-24
Created 25-Nov-14
90 photos
Come along and browse these images of a magnificent place: The J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge, located on Sanibel Island, Florida. One of the treats of the Refuge is to kayak in Tarpon Bay, where you can enter Commordore Creek and experience beautiful birds and other wildlife up close.
The photos in this gallery are a representative of my visits to this special place over a period of years. Besides Tarpon Bay, you will see other areas of the island, where there is always something unique.
Some of the photos were captured with an infrared converted camera. You will notice that these infrared images add another dimension to the beauty of the landscape.
© David Batley Photography & Design